I spoke at the Human Rights Task Force they didn’t like it!

My speech @ the Human Rights Task Force event w/DOJ, FBI & Idaho US Attorney on November 14, 2023

Last year I and many Boundary County residents worked towards moving sexually explicit books from the children’s section to the adult section of our library. I will save the timeline of events for later, should you request it.

Last year the Human Rights Task Force members wrote a six-page article comparing us to the Taliban. We also captured public records of the Human Rights Task Force’s emails showing they were working with CNN to create a video portraying us as Aryan Nation with their hand in the air like they do for Hitler. Then they added footage of Ruby Ridge to the CNN video. This CNN video was full of lies and attempts to tie our recall group (4 people) to extremists, churches we don’t attend and books that we don’t care about. We never mentioned that we were against LGBTQ… our statements were always about sexually explicit materials

Members of the Human Rights Task Force and the LIBRARY DIRECTOR Kimber Glidden were directly involved in labeling concerned citizens as White Supremacist, Christian Fundamentalist, Nazis, Taliban and many more extreme labels. They also spread rumors that we were coming to the meetings with guns and yelling. I recorded all the meetings and none of this happened.

It appears that your three agencies are in a relationship with an organization that is not bound by laws and ethics so they can create a list of who they want to deem as extremist. All while the Human Rights Task Force members are enacting and enabling extremist ideology themselves. I remember reading in my history books about the Nazis using citizens to label their neighbors. Millions of people died because of this.

My questions for the FBI, DOJ and Idaho U.S. Attorney are:

• How are your government agencies able to maintain a professional image and show integrity while working with organizations like the Human Rights Task Force who are free to act and do as they want?

• The Human Rights Task Force is made up of citizens like me with no authorization or professional certifications/training on how to create a “Hate Report/Hate List”. Is the FBI, DOJ and U.S. Attorney using Human Rights Task Force opinions for data collecting or Fusion Center data?

To view all evidence please click in the original post and then see the comments. Facebook isn’t “share a post” friendly when you have a bunch of website links in post. In the comments you will find:

* CNN video

* HRTF Tim Braatz’s article

* Public Records Request

* My YouTube “library playlist” of all the meetings (no violence)

* Library Board Recall website

Is the Boundary HRTF a Hate Group that hides behind “Love, CommUNITY, Anti-Bully, Anti-Discrimination, etc.”? They seem to be picking and choosing when these terms apply and who should be labeled. Just because someone’s political or religious beliefs are the opposites of yours that doesn’t mean you should put them on an “EXTREMIST LIST”. It just means that you probably don’t agree with their views or how they want to affect a community… Welcome to America! Everyone is entitled to their own opinions according to the Constitution. Until a person acts in a criminal way against someone IT IS INAPPROPRIATE and OFFENSIVE TO CREATE A HATE LIST OF PEOPLE YOU DON’T AGREE WITH. It doesn’t align with the HRTF’s theme of Love, Anti-Bully, Anti-Discrimination, etc… Also, what about being a CommUNITY? Or are we picking and choosing who is allowed to be a part of this beautiful community?



Here is the video of me speaking… they didn’t like my speech!


Human Rights Networks In North Idaho Collaborate With Feds To Target Christians And Nationalists https://caseywhalen.substack.com/p/2b677d5b-d5c4-45ce-bf8d-fb7cb43f042f


Our website for the library Board recall (per Idaho Statute 34 Election)


Is the Boundary HRTF a Hate Group that hides behind “Love, CommUNITY, Anti-Bully, Anti-Discrimination, etc.”? They seem to be picking and choosing when these terms apply and who should be labeled. Just because someone’s political or religious beliefs are the opposites of yours that doesn’t mean you should put them on an “EXTREMIST LIST”. It just means that you probably don’t agree with their views or how they want to affect a community… Welcome to America! Everyone is entitled to their own opinions according to the Constitution. Until a person acts in a criminal way against someone IT IS INAPPROPRIATE and OFFENSIVE TO CREATE A HATE LIST OF PEOPLE YOU DON’T AGREE WITH. It doesn’t align with the HRTF’s theme of Love, Anti-Bully, Anti-Discrimination, etc… Also, what about being a CommUNITY? Or are we picking and choosing who is allowed to be a part of this beautiful community?




Link to all documents


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